Becoming A Fellowship Partner

We know that in many communities there’s a church on every other corner and you have many choices when it comes to church membership. With that in mind, we ask anyone interested in being a part of KBCF to become a fellowship partner first. Fellowship partners participate in the life of our ministry just like our members do. They worship, pray, give, and use their God-given gifts to bless others and build the kingdom of God. As a relationship is formed, a fellowship partner and KBCF can better determine if we are a good fit for each other and if so KBCF will encourage and facilitate full membership.


Becoming a Member of KBCF

After a person becomes a fellowship partner and a relationship is in place he/she will begin membership onboarding which will include discussions concerning personal salvation, discipleship teaching, ministry expectations and goals, assessment of spiritual gift(s) and more. Upon completion of the onboarding process all “covenant disciples/members” as we call them, will receive an official certificate of membership, and if necessary be scheduled for water baptism and first communion.

Simply speak with any KBCF member the next time you are with us in person to begin the process.